Menzies In One Room

Menzies In One Room

What should be done to reduce the impact on our cost of living & lives in Menzies, as we move away from coal, gas and oil? Share your ideas below!


France & electricity

Electricity fuel price data

AEMO report supplies interesting facts; grid, PV success,

Reduce your costs by driving an electric car

V2G. Vehicle to grid. Power your house from electric car!

Rooftop PV solar a welcome sight in Menzies

Cost blow out x6! & big Delay. Wake up call for nuclear

Agrivoltaics; Sheep enjoy shade on Solar Farms in the heat.

Electricity costs in Victoria

Lack of WATER must be addressed on dry continent

Floating Solar PV stays Cooler near H2O & retains efficiency

PV panels, electrons moving. CSP uses Heat from Sun mirrors

STORAGE solved; Pumped Hydro; gravity, turbine=KW

PV Solar Farms face some Curtailment due to negative prices

Excess Rain creates House Insurance problem

Menzies latitude 37.7 degrees, Ideal for PV! Reduce KW costs

Neighbourhood Batteries needed in Menzies urgently, Storage

When you have your own rooftop Power Station

When 90% of cars are battery electric

Example Idea (Add a short title for your idea)

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